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- Five shot sequence: Tutorial and example
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- Essential data journalism skills: A conversation with three data journalists
- Twitter advertising best practices: 5 tips from a Twitter Ads campaign
- Mobile journalism examples and production tips: Q&A with RTÉ video journalist Philip Bromwell
- Selected readings: SWOT analysis of social media marketing
- A primer for journalism students: What is digital-first strategy?
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Category Archives: Industry observation
An interview with two audience engagement editors in Gannett’s “newsroom of the future”
Audience engagement editor is a new position being created amid Gannett’s nationwide newsroom restructuring. I talked to audience engagement editors at two Gannett newspapers to find out what engagement editors do, and what skills are needed to land this job … Continue reading
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Gannett’s “Newsroom of the Future” calls for changes in journalism education
If Gannett’s radical newsroom restructuring becomes industry norms, journalism schools need to do two things to better prepare graduates for the job market: (a) offer innovative digital training and (b) prepare students for jobs other than newsroom staff.
How to embed Getty Images free photos, and, what’s the catch?
The world’s largest photo service, Getty Images, just made many of its stock photos free to use. Here’s a guide on how to find images and embed them in a blog post or web page.
Posted in Digital tools and tips, Industry observation
Digital journalism internship opportunities abound at nonprofits
After student journalists have been scared straight by their professors about the harsh realities of landing a job in media, obtaining an internship is the top priority. The majority of students focus on interning at a TV station or newspaper, … Continue reading
Why there has never been a better time to be a journalism major
The explosive growth of digital technologies brings with it an ever-growing demand for contents, and content production is at the core of journalism training. At a time when everyone can reach out to a mass audience, people need journalistic skills … Continue reading
The myriad skills employers now expect of journalism graduates
Based on what employers and recent graduates are telling him, a journalism professor compiles a list of skills demanded by the current job market. I find this list informational and am sharing it with my readers:
New York Times’ video initiative calls for changes in broadcast journalism education
To be hired as a video producer at New York Times, one needs to “have a little more of a specialized perspective of the content and make it excellent,” and that content is not just news section subjects such as … Continue reading
Online training in digital journalism: The dichotomy between academia and industry approaches
For people seeking web-based training in digital storytelling skills, they will find that online journalism courses offered by colleges are long and may have “unwanted stuffs,” and online training offered by for-profit training organizations are short, focused and more up-to-date. … Continue reading
A journalism graduate’s reflections on digital skills and j-school education
Let’s hear from people on the ground about skills and education needed for a journalism job today – Andrea Gillhoolley, a 2005 Penn State University graduate majoring in journalism, now a reporter for Lebanon Daily News in Lebanon, Pa., shares … Continue reading
Digital skills a newspaper managing editor expects of new reporters
In a Twitter conversation with me (@mututemple), Chicago Sun-Times managing editor Craig Newman (@craignewman) shared his expectations of the multitude of digital expertise for a new hire.
Posted in Industry observation
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