How they teach digital journalism: A collection of course websites

Instructors preparing for digital journalism courses may borrow some ideas from similar courses taught at peer institutions – here is a collection of such courses that I came across as they link to posts on my blog as tutorials or reading materials. 

These courses were offered in 2013-2014 school year and, at time of writing, are still available in the form of a course website, which usually features syllabus, weekly blog posts, assignments and other activities.

Web journalism: JEM422 (University of Tennessee)

Multiplatform journalism (Saint Louis University)

Editing for print and digital audiences (University of Minnesota)

Digital publishing (Towson University)

Journalism (Cabrini College)

Introduction to multimedia storytelling (University of Iowa)

Journalism at Westminster (University of Westminster, UK)

Online and visual journalism (University of Denver)

If you know of additional courses, please make a suggestion by leaving a comment below.

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About Mu Lin

Dr. Mu Lin is a digital journalism professional and educator in New Jersey, United States. Dr. Lin manages an online marketing company. He also manages MulinBlog Online J-School (, a free online journalism training program, which offers courses such as Audio Slideshow Storytelling; Introduction to Social Media Marketing; Writing for the Web; Google Mapping for Communicators; Introduction to Data Visualization; Introduction to Web Metrics and Google Analytics.
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