How to enroll

For help with account creation and course enrollment, contact site administrator, Dr. Mu Lin, at or Facebook Page

If you are new to this J-School, please be advised that enrolling in a course is a two-step process: create a new account, and enroll in an available course.

If you already have an account from a previous course and are enrolling in a new course, log in to your account and click “Courses” in the Navigation block then the “Available Courses” folder for currently available courses; click on a course title and then the “Enroll me” button to enroll yourself.

MulinBlog How to Enroll

Step 1: Create a new account

To create a new account, go to homepage of MulinBlog J-School. In the Login block, click “Create new account”:

MulinBlog How to Enroll

On the next page, enter required information; reCAPTCHA is a security measure to prevent spamming registrations, and you need to enter the numbers or texts in the picture.

MulinBlog How to Enroll

When you hit “Create my new account,” you will see a new window instructing you to check your email inbox to complete account creation; check your email, follow instructions in the confirmation email and enter the J-School site.

MulinBlog How to Enroll

Step 2: Enroll yourself in a new course

After you follow instructions in the confirmation email to confirm your registration, you will see a page that looks like the one below. Click the “Courses” button, you will see a folder titled “Available courses”; click on that folder and you will see a list of currently available courses:

MulinBlog How to Enroll

MulinBlog How to Enroll

Click on a course title and you will see enrollment options; if this is an open course, you can enroll yourself by clicking the “Enroll me” button:

MulinBlog How to Enroll

MulinBlog How to Enroll

Once you click the “Enroll me” button, you will be inside that course, with a course page looking similar to the one below:

MulinBlog How to Enroll

The next time you log in to your account, you will see a page similar to the screenshot below, which lists your enrolled course(s) under “Course overview;” click course title and you are back in the course.

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